
The Tools ribbon in the Workbench contains multiple settings for properties throughout the GENESIS64, AnalytiX or Hyper Historian suites, as well as within the Workbench itself.

Tools Ribbon in the Workbench



  • Licensing- Configures product/component licensing

  • Redundancy - Configures product/component redundancy

Server Connection

  • Connect - Connects the application to the server.

  • Disconnect - Disconnects the application from the server



  • Notifications - Enables/Disables task notifications.

  • Drag&Drop- Enables/Disables Drag and Drop functionality within the Workbench

  • Enable Audit Log- Enables/Disables the possibility to track changes within the Workbench.

  • Show Audit Log- Shows a panel containing the latest tracked changes within the Workbench.

  • Auto Apply- When enabled, changes within the Workbench are automatically applied whenever any form is closed. However, even with this option enabled, if there are any associated validation errors, the changes are discarded.

  • Quick Layouts - Sets ready-made layouts within the Workbench

  • Data Browsers - Shows or hides the browser panes

  • Grid Edit Actions - Customizes the behavior of the application when the rows in the grid are selected

  • Tree Edit Actions - Customizes the behavior of the application when the nodes in the tree are selected

See Also:
