The 3D Cone Primitive

The Closedcone primitive is similar to a cylinder except that its sides are not parallel. There are a Closedvariety of cone primitives you can create. Default property values for cones are set in the Preferences tab, in the New Cone Default Settings.

To add a cone to a 3D viewport:

  1. Click the cone icon in the ClosedPrimitives section of the Home ribbon. The cone will appear in your 3D view, and you will see it listed in the ClosedExplorer and the Properties tab.

  2. Use the tools in the Home ribbon's Manipulator section to change the shape, size, and orientation of the cone; this is easier than using the cone's properties to do the same.

  3. Use the cone's properties to make other changes to the cone. Many of the cone's properties are described in Common Properties for All 3D Primitives.

  4. To survey the 3D display, use the tools described in Navigating in a 3D Viewport and the perspective buttons described in View Section of the 3D Home Ribbon.

You can:

Add a dynamic from the Dynamic ribbon

Move, scale, rotate, transform, or duplicate the cone

Change the look (color, texture..)

See also:

Primitives in 3D

3D Viewport Overview