Hide Dynamic’s Properties in 3D

Click the ClosedHide button in the ClosedVisibility section of the 3D Dynamics ribbon, to create a dynamic that conditionally hides and shows an object during runtime. At runtime, the Hide dynamic removes the 3D object from view or returns a hidden object so that it is shown. Hidden objects are not disabled; when an object is hidden it is still available programmatically; it just can't be seen by the runtime user.

Default values for the Hide dynamic are set in the Preferences tab. Refer to New Hide Default Settings for more information.

  • Name, Description, CustomData—Enter a name and description for the dynamic, and enter any custom data.

  • DataSource, LowLimit, HighLimit, ActiveWhen, AnimationMode (Analog or Discrete), StartPercent, and EndPercent operate on the same principles as the Size dynamic operate on the same principles as the Size dynamic in the Position section.

  • AbsoluteOpacity is available when the AnimationMode is Analog. This property identifies whether the object’s opacity is set explicitly (True) or is determined by the object’s opacity (False) The default value is False.

  • ExplicitHide available when the AnimationMode is Discrete. Use this property for an object that is alwaysvisible during runtime. True (the default) causes the object to be hidden when the Hide dynamic is activated; False lets the object remain visible.

  • ExplicitShow is available when the AnimationMode is Discrete. Use this property for an object that is always hidden during runtime. True causes the object to become visible when the Hide dynamic is activated; False (the default) lets the object remain invisible.

  • The Dynamic Behavior-Discrete section contains a number of options for controlling discrete behavior. For more about the properties in this section, refer to Discrete Mode on page 98. Properties are: StartDelay, Duration, SkipInitialDuration, AccelerationRatio, DecellerationRatio, AnimateWhenTrue, ReverseAnimateWhenFalse, AutoReverse, RepeatCount, FillBehavior, and FreezeWhenNotAnimating.

  • If you want the object’s visibility to change incrementally, use the Detents section. The principles of how the Detent properties work are described for the Size dynamic in the Position section of the Dynamic tab.

  • Tool Tips—To add information about the dynamic to the object’s runtime tool tips, see Tool Tips.

For more information, refer to Hide Dynamic Properties in 2D and Object Properties.

See also:

OPC Tags

Find and Replace Properties in Displays and Symbols
