Software Marquee Agent

The Software Marquee Agent, sends alarm and event messages to a marquee that scrolls across the screen of a PC, either local or on the network. To acknowledge an alarm, you can right-click in the marquee window and select Acknowledge.

The following configuration fields are available for the Software Marquee Agent:

  • Media Item Name: Enter a name for the Software Marquee Agent configuration.

  • Node: Enter the computer name or IP address of the remote computer on which you wish run Software Marquee Agent to run. If left blank, the Software Marquee Agent will be run on the computer that is running the Multimedia Server. If you wish to display the message on a separate marquee device, this is configured under General Settings in the main Software Marquee folder. Click the Browse button to search for a node. For additional information, refer to Running Multimedia Agents on Remote Nodes.

  • Description: Allows you to add comments to the agent configuration.

  • Media Template: You must choose a template to be used with the agent. The template determines what information is displayed in the marquee message. The Configurator includes a template, called Default Marquee, created for sending marquee messages. For more information about templates, see Media Templates.

  • TEST button: Displays a test marquee message.

  • Scheduling: If you are using scheduling, choose from the configured schedules on the drop-down list.  See Schedules for more information.

  • Role: Select a role from the drop-down list. For information about roles, see Working With Roles.

  • Enable Alarm Prioritization: When this check box is checked, the multimedia system processes alarms based on the severity level of the alarm. If the check box is empty, alarms are processed on a first-in-first-out basis.

  • Acknowledge Code: Enter the string you wish to use as the acknowledge code.

  • Play: Specifies the number of times the marquee message will be displayed.

  • Maximum Play Time: Sets the maximum play time (in seconds).

  • Apply button: Saves all changes to the configuration database.

  • Reset button: Clears all recently added information.

  • Refresh button: Resets the data to what it was before it was changed. Does not reset the data if the Apply button was clicked.

Related topics:

Configuring Marquee Software Emulation

Running Multimedia Agents on Remote Nodes

IP Device Marquee Agent

Multimedia Marquee Agents

Add a New Multimedia Agent

Media Templates