Recipe Commands

Security Authorization in GraphWorX64 defines what a user or group of users have permission to access. This layer of security is on top of the ICONICS standard security login. Recipe management, running reports, configuration and runtime modes require single or double authorization. See Password Authorization in GraphWorX64.

For recipe-based commands, your permissions may require single or double authorization. For example, when the user tries to download a recipe that requires approval, the double authorization dialog appears. ClosedView image

  • To request authorization:
    1. The user (Performer) is required to Request Verification from an authorized person.
    2. The authorized person (Verifier) reviews the request or enters comments.
    3. The Verifier either clicks Cancel to deny the request or clicks Verify to approve the Performer’s request.


    GENESIS64features recipe-based commands. During Runtime, commands are invoked by right-clicking on a recipe item in the Recipe Navigator and selecting one of the available functions. See Recipe Navigator for more information.

    Recipe Commands


    Recipe Copy

    This command copies a selected recipe item and adds it to the recipe list—the operation calls the recipe point manager RecipeCopy procedure: rcp:<path-to-recipe-item>\RecipeCopy.

    Recipe Delete

    This command permanently deletes the selected recipe item—the operation calls the recipe point manager RecipeDelete procedure: rcp:<path-to-recipe-item>\RecipeDelete.

    Recipe Download

    This command downloads the values of the selected recipe item to the OPC tags—the operation calls the recipe point manager RecipeDownload procedure: rcp:<path-to-recipe-item>\RecipeDownload.

    Recipe Load

    The load recipe commands is used to set the Global Alias path to the selected recipe item. This alias is used by Recipe Grid or other GraphWorX64 controls like process point. RECIPE1 is the default alias for the Grid and Recipe Navigator.

    Recipe New

    This command creates a new child recipe item under the selected recipe in the tree—the operation calls the recipe point manager RecipeNew procedure: rcp:<path-to-recipe-item>\RecipeNew.

    Recipe Save

    This command saves changes to the data set that is loaded into the Recipe Grid control—the RecipeSaveCommand is sent to a Recipe grid for processing. All detected Recipe grids in the display are presented to the user as a possible target. (Alternative) is to specify the target using the Misc >Save Recipe Target command.

    Recipe Upload

    This command reads the current values from hardware or other data sources and stores those values in the database for the selected recipe item—the operation calls the recipe point manager RecipeUpload procedure:rcp:<path-to-recipe-item>\RecipeUpload.

    See Commanding for additional information.


    Pick Actions for Recipe Commands

    (Alternative method) In addition to issuing recipe commands in the Recipe Navigator, it is also possible to use the GraphWorX64 pick actions to issue recipe commands.

    Recipe Commands

    You can configure your display with all of the command buttons that the user needs to control recipes. You can also use configure security for one or more buttons. See Commanding - Global Commands.

    See Also: