2D Disable Dynamic Properties

The Disable dynamic is perhaps the simplest action to understand and apply to any object in a 2D GraphWorX display. You assign a Disable dynamic to a 2D shape or object by clicking the ClosedDisable dynamic button on the Dynamics tab or the Dynamics ribbon. (The process is different in a 3D viewport; for information about this dynamic in 3D, refer to 3D Disable Dynamic Properties.) When you assign a Disable dynamic to an object all other actions are disabled based on the value, condition, or data source that you assign to the Disable dynamic. The Disable dynamic is always the last dynamic that can be placed into a multi-step action. At runtime, a disabled object remains in view, but does not respond to keyboard or mouse input. Disabling an object is a great way to ensure that program logic in your displays is enforced, or to disallow an action that you don't want the user to be able to perform.

On the Dynamics tab:

On the Dynamics ribbon:

You determine the default values for the Disable dynamic's properties by setting them on the Preferences tab; for more information, refer to New Disable Default Settings.

A simple example of setting the Disable dynamic's properties:

  1. Create a Process Point and assign its DataSource to the simulator localsim:ramp:::0:1000.

    • The value of the Process Point goes from 0 to 1000 over the 5 second (default) time interval.

  2. While the Process Point is still selected, click the ClosedDisable dynamic button. Go to the Disable dynamic's Dynamics tab and set its DataSource property to localsim:ramp:::0:1000.

    On the Dynamics tab:

    On the Dynamics ribbon:

  3. Set the DragDropDataSource property. True indicates that the data source can, during runtime, be dragged by a user and dropped into another component so that the disable dynamic affects the component it is dropped into.

  4. Set the rest of the Disable dynamic properties:

    • Set the LowLimit property to 600

    • Set the HighLimit property to 900

    • Set the DisableWhen property to (data>=low) AND (data<=high).

  5. You can also give the dynamic a name and description, and you can set ToolTip properties for the Disable dynamic.

  6. Click the Runtime button.

In runtime mode, the Process Point cycles through values between 0 and 1000 every 5 seconds, but when it reaches values 600 to 900 the font becomes gray (from black) indicating that the process point is disabled.  

For more information, refer to Object Properties.

See also:

Find and Replace Properties in Displays and Symbols
