GET RealtimeData

Retrieves the current value of a point.

Relative URL



PointName (required)- The fully qualified name of the point for which to retrieve the value.

Default Value: None

Example Value: svrsim:sine double med -100 100

Example Result

An array containing one object, which represents the current value for the point.



    "PointName": "svrsim:sine double med -100 100",

    "Value": -93.228718951011913,

    "Timestamp": "2015-08-12T15:28:21.4454459-04:00",

    "Quality": 0



See Also:

REST and OData

GET DatasetData

GET FaultCauses

GET FaultIncidents

GET HistoricalAlarms

GET HistoricalData

GET QualityChartData

GET QualityHistogramData