GET QualityHistogramData
Returns quality histogram data for the specified SPC point.
Relative URL
PointName (required) - The name of the SPC point for which to retrieve the data.
Default Value: None
Example Value: hh:\Configuration\Signals\%TestSPC\Stat
BarCount (optional) - The number of histogram bars.
Default Value: 10
Example Value: 5
ValueCount (optional) - The max number of values included in the histogram calculation.
Default Value: 100
Example Value: 100
MinValue (optional) - Lower limit for histogram chart, can be Double.NaN when not specified.
Default Value: 0
Example Value: 0
MaxValue (optional) - Upper limit for histogram chart, can be Double.NaN when not specified.
Default Value: 100
Example Value: 100
Example Result
An array containing multiple objects, each one representing one sample.
"PointName": "hh:\\Configuration\\Signals\\%TestSPC\\Stat",
"LSL": "NaN",
"USL": "NaN",
"Target": "NaN",
"Distribution": 0.0072274640576260995,
"Value": 37.623762376237622,
"MinimumRange": 0.0,
"MaximumRange": 33.333333333333336
"PointName": "hh:\\Configuration\\Signals\\%TestSPC\\Stat",
"LSL": "NaN",
"USL": "NaN",
"Target": "NaN",
"Distribution": 0.011495413600600555,
"Value": 24.752475247524753,
"MinimumRange": 33.333333333333336,
"MaximumRange": 66.666666666666671
"PointName": "hh:\\Configuration\\Signals\\%TestSPC\\Stat",
"LSL": "NaN",
"USL": "NaN",
"Target": "NaN",
"Distribution": 0.0072678275244619341,
"Value": 37.623762376237622,
"MinimumRange": 66.666666666666671,
"MaximumRange": 100.0
See Also: