GET FaultCauses

Returns incident causes information for the specified asset and fault. When StartDate and EndDate are not specified latest causes will be returned, otherwise only causes in the specified time window will be returned.

Relative URL



AssetName (required) - The name of the asset for which to return the causes data.

Default Value: None

Example Value: company

FaultName (required) -The name of the fault for which to retrieve the causes data.

Default Value: None

Example Value: FaultCom

StartDate (optional) - The start time of the window for which to retrieve the data in the format: YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss. The special value of 'now' (without quotes) can be used to pass the current date and time. A negative offset can also be provided using the format: now - hh:mm:ss

Default Value: None

Example Value: 2015-01-01T00:00:00

EndDate (optional) -The end time of the window for which to retrieve the data in the format: YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ss. The special value of 'now' (without quotes) can be used to pass the current date and time. A negative offset can also be provided using the format: now - hh:mm:ss

Default Value: None

Example Value: 2015-01-31T00:00:00

Example Result

An array containing multiple objects, each one representing a fault cause.



    "AssetName": "Company",

    "AssetFullName": "Company",

    "FaultName": "FaultCom",

    "CauseText": "c6",

    "CauseRank": 90



    "AssetName": "Company",

    "AssetFullName": "Company",

    "FaultName": "FaultCom",

    "CauseText": "c3",

    "CauseRank": 10



See Also:

REST and OData

GET RealtimeData

GET DatasetData

GET FaultIncidents

GET HistoricalAlarms

GET HistoricalData

GET QualityChartData

GET QualityHistogramData