AlertWorX allows you to configure Email notifications within the Workbench.
To Configure Email Notifications:
In Workbench, expand Project Explorer > Alarms and Notifications > AlertWorX, and then do one of the following:
Right-click Email Nodes, and then select Add Email Node.
Click Email Nodes, and on the Home ribbon, click Add Email Node.
In the NewEmailNode dialog box, configure the new node configuration, as follows:
In Name, enter the email node configuration name.
Click the desired tab, configuring each section:
Email Settings Tab
Enable the email node: To activate the node, select the checkbox.
Node: Enter the node name of the Alert Email Service.
Mail Server/Username/Password/Port: Enter the name of the mail server, as well as the mail server username, password, and port number. Typically, the port number is 587.
If you are using Office365 email, you must disable multifactor authentication (MFA) for the email account. For more information, see Working with an Office365 Email Account.
If you are using Gmail, you can do one of the following:
Create an App Password for your Google account and use these credentials for the Mail Server username and password.
Use a Google OAuth2 authorization.
For more information, see Working with Gmail SMTP.
Enable SSL Security: If the mail server requires an SSL/TLS security connection, select the checkbox.
Use UA Points: To load the Notification Message Fields as data points, select the checkbox.
Send: Enter the data source that will transition from False to True to cause a message to be sent. To open the Data Browser and select the data source, click
Status: Enter the status of the Sent message. To open the Data Browser and select the data source, click
Receive commands on this node: To receive commands from the client, select the checkbox.
To test the email, click Test Email. In Send a test message, verify the contents of Node, Subject, To, and Message, and then click Send Message.
Message Settings Tab
Alarm Filter Section
Using alarm filters, you can limit the number of alarm messages sent based on specific alarm criteria, such as high-severity alarms or specific alarm areas.
To activate alarm subscriptions, alarm messages and filtering, and message templates, select Enable alarm subscription and send a message for every incoming alarm.
In Filter Expressions, click Click to edit expression, and then build the expression by doing the following:
In the left panel, double-click the parameters.
In the right panel, click the expression elements (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, etc.).
Example 1: To only send alarm messages for severity equal to or greater than 800, enter x={{field:Severity}} >= 800.
Example 2: To only send alarm messages for alarms containing Tower3, enter x=rgmatch({{field:SourceName}},"Tower3").
Type values or descriptions, as needed.
To test the expression, click
Click OK.
Notification Message Section
You can build the alarm messages that you are sending, including the subject, the body, the sender, and the recipient. In addition, you can create templates of subject and message combinations that you can reuse for other node configurations.
Template: In the drop-down list, select the desired message template. If you do not want to use a message template, select Do Not Use Templates. To manage the template list, do the following:
Refresh the list of message templates
Create/Edit message templates
To create a new message template, click Click here to add new item.
To edit an existing message template, select the desired message template.
Click Apply & Close.
Alternatively, expand Project Explorer > Alarms and Notifications > AlertWorX, and double-click Templates.
If you enable Use UA Points above, AlertWorX interprets all template values starting with : or @ as data points. If you leave the template values empty, AlertWorX will use the base default values instead of a null value, which would generate an invalid point.
In Subject, enter the subject of the alarm message. For assistance, click Click to edit expression, and then build the expression by doing the following:
In the left panel, double-click the parameters.
In the right panel, double click the expression elements (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, etc.).
Type values or descriptions, as needed.
To test the expression, click
Click OK.
In Message, enter the body of the alarm message. For assistance, click Click to edit expression, and then build the expression by doing the following:
In the left panel, double-click the parameters.
In the right panel, double click the expression elements (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, etc.).
Type values or descriptions, as needed.
To test the expression, click
Click OK.
In From, enter the name and/or address of the sender. To open the Data Browser and select the sender, click
In To, enter the name and/or address of the recipient. To open the Data Browser and select the recipient, click
In CC, enter the names and/or addresses of any additional email recipients. To open the Data Browser and select the recipients, click
In BCC, enter the names and/or addresses of any additional email recipients that you do not want to appear in the email header. To open the Data Browser and select the recipients, click
Alarms Subscription Tab
To add an alarm subscription, click Click here to add new item.
In the Data Browser, select the desired tag, and then configure the settings, including Min. Severity, Max. Severity, Categories, and alarm source fields.
Click Apply & Close.
Restart the ICONICS Alert Email Service.
See Also: