GraphWorX64 Ribbon in Runtime

At runtime, a GraphWorX64 display shows its own runtime ribbon. For more about showing and hiding the ribbon, refer to Showing the Ribbon in Runtime.

Standalone GraphWorX64's Runtime Ribbon

The GraphWorX64 Runtime Ribbon in the Workbench Classic

The icons on a GraphWorX display's Runtime ribbon are described below:

  • Open drops down a list of options for opening a different file in runtime mode. You can do any of the following:

    • Choose a recent file from the list

    • Enter a URL in the Address field and click the Load button

    • Click the Browse button to search for a file

    • Enable or disable the caching of displays (see Getting Displays to Open More Quickly)

  • Back opens the prior file in the current session's file history, which is a list of as many as 50 displays that have been opened in the session. This button navigates backward in time through the list. You can drop down the list and choose a file to go to. If the button is disabled, it is because no other displays have been opened in the current session; to choose a display from prior sessions, click the Back Forward button instead.

  • Forward opens the next most recent file in the current session's file history, which is a list of as many as 50 displays that have been opened in the session. This button navigates forward in time through the list. You can drop down the list and choose a file to go to. If the button is disabled, it is because you have not navigated back to a prior display in this session.

  • Back Forward opens the Card Flow View, where you can preview files that have been opened in the current GraphWorX session. Double-click a display to open it in runtime mode. Click the button again to close the Card Flow View.

  • Recent opens the Card Flow View, where you can preview all the display files in file history and double-click a display to open it in runtime mode. Click the button again to close the Card Flow View.

  • Print drops down a list of printing options that let you:

    • Open the Print dialog box where you can select options and print.

    • Quick Print based on selected options, by sending the display to be printed immediately.

    • Open thePrint Preview dialog box to see what will print when you print the runtime display. From the Print Preview window you can print, magnify the preview, and display one to six pages of the display at one time, and go to a page that you specify.

    • Open the Page Setup dialog box where you can set the page size, printer, orientation, and margins.

    • Save ink by selecting to Print with a White Background. If you leave this option unselected, the background will display as seen in the Print Preview.

    • Choose the Print Area by selecting Current View or Entire Display.

  • The Zoom section provides options to zoom so that the entire display fits into the window; go to the display's Home view; select a custom view (if any); and change the percentage of magnification.

  • The Show/Hide section provides options to show or hide scrollbars, the status bar at the bottom of the window, and runtime ribbons.

  • Login displays the Security Login dialog box, where you can log in to GraphWorX. For more detailed information, refer to Logging in and out of GraphWorX64.

  • Language displays the Language Selector dialog box so you can choose a different language or culture for the display.

  • Carousel displays the carousel, from which you can choose a display. For more information, refer to Carousel.

  • Configure returns you to configuration mode.

Runtime Menus in GraphWorX

During GraphWorX Runtime, the ClosedFile, View, and Tools menus are visible if you choose to show them. For information on how to show the main menu, refer to Showing the Ribbons and Menu in Runtime.

Note: You must hide the runtime ribbons in order to gain access to the menus. However, the menus are not available if the display has an EarthWorX map in it.

The table below describes the options that are available on runtime menus.

Menu Item


File menu items:


Opens an existing display file.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + O


Prints out the current display.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + P

Print Dialog

Opens the Windows printing preferences dialog box.

Print Setup

Opens the Windows Page Setup dialog box.

Print Preview

Saves the current display file.

Print Options

Prints out the current display, giving you the options of printing a white background to save printer ink

Card Flow View

Goes to Card Flow view, which lets you open a file from a preview of the prior displays in the File menu. If you select a file, it opens in runtime mode. See Card Flow View in GraphWorX Runtime.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Alt + DownArrow

Prior displays 1-10

A list of the displays that have been opened prior to the current one.


Closes the display and GraphWorX.

View menu items:

Zoom In

Zooms in by a factor of two.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + NumberPad+

Zoom Out

Zooms out by a factor of one-half.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + NumberPad-

Fit to Window

Fits the entire display dimensions in the work area.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + W

Home View

Sets the view and the zoom setting to the view defined as the Home view.
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + H

Auto Scroll Bars

Hides/shows the horizontal and vertical scroll bars in the display.

Main Menu

Hides/shows the menu bar.

Navigation Bar

Hides/shows the navigation bar. For more information, refer to Navigation Bar in Runtime.

Status Bar

Hides/shows the status bar at the bottom of the runtime display.

Icon Sizes

Use this command to change the size of icons that appear in the GraphWorX64 user interface, that is, in the Properties and Explorer panels, the Toolbox, and in other locations.

Go To

Navigates to:

  • Card Flow View (see Card Flow View in GraphWorX Runtime for more information)
    Shortcut key: Ctrl + Alt + Left

  • A display in file history using Back, Back To, Forward, or Forward To


Displays error information for the current display. For more information, refer to Runtime Diagnostics.

Tools menu items:


Login enables you to configure and work with the display file. Logout leaves the display in its current condition but doesn't allow user interaction.

ClosedLanguageLanguage Selector Dialog

Select a different language for the display.


The Carousel enables you to automate the switching of loaded files in an application. The Carousel tool is useful for long-term product testing and for autonomous presentations (kiosk functionality). For more information, refer to Carousel.

Cache Displays

Enables and disables the caching of displays during runtime. For more information, refer to Getting Displays to Open More Quickly.

Configure button

Click the Configure button to return to Configuration mode. Note that pressing Ctrl + M toggles between configuration mode and runtime mode.

See also:

Runtime Mode

Displays at Runtime

Card Flow View