Publish List Configuration Simplified

In previous versions, there were three types of publish lists, real-time, historical, and analyzer. Now there is only a single type of publish list. All real-time and historical settings can be configured in the single publish list. This not only simplifies the configuration but also eliminates the need to have multiple publish lists for the same set of points if they are to be published in different ways.

To create the equivalent of the real-time or historical publish lists, go to the Published Points tab of your publish list and enable the appropriate boxes for the type of publishing you would like to do for each point. The same point can have multiple publishing options enabled.

For real-time publishing, enable Real Time Publishing. For historical publishing, enable Local Bufferingand HDA or Cloud Buffering and HDA. (Local buffering makes the data available locally on the edge device to the IoT Visualizer, and cloud buffering makes it available via the cloud to remote servers and Hyper Historians. Local buffering is required to enable cloud buffering.)

For analyzer publish lists, create an Analyzer Group under your device template, then on the publish list's General tab choose that group for Analyzer Group.

In addition, the collection rate for samples used to be specified in the publish list. Users who wanted to collect different tags at different rates needed to use a unique publish list per rate. Now, a new type of object called Collection Groups has been introduced.

To add a new collection group, expand Internet of Things and bring up the properties of Collection Groups. Add a new item to the list, give it a name and collection rate.

Once a collection group has been created it can be used in your publish list. In the publish list properties on the General tab, a default collection group can be chosen. The collection rate of this collection group is applied to all points in the publish list except where specified on the Published Points tab. To change a point's collection rate from this default, go to the Published Points tab and change the Collection Group for that tag.

See Also:

Publish Lists