Configuring the E-Mail Agent

You can configure General settings, Empty the Agents Queue, and Report Hardware Failures.

  1. In the AlarmWorX Multimedia Configurator, open the Configuration folder and expand Multimedia Agent.  Double click E-Mail or right click and select Edit from the shortcut menu.

  2. Click the General Settings button. You have the options to configure the E-mail settings.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click the button Empty Agent's Input Queue if you want to delete what is in the agents queue.

  5. Click the down arrow and select how you want to Report Hardware Failures.

  6. Click the Apply button to save your settings.

Improving Performance

In order to improve the performance of some e-mail services the wait for replay period has been made configurable through a Windows Registry setting. This was necessary because some services are slower to reply than they should be. If you encounter this condition for SMTP you can add the following setting into the Registry:





  • TimeOut=0 - sets timeout to wait for SMTP replay 0 = wait forever

  • UseLocalIP=0 - If set to 1 system will use local ip name in HELO message. Only active if user name and password not set AND DefinedIPServer not set.

  • DefinedIPServer= - If set will use string as name / local ip in HELO message. Only active if user name and password not set. Overwrites use of UseLocalIP setting

These settings are part of MMXmailSMTP.EXE

See also:

Add a New Multimedia Agent

Multimedia E-mail Agents

E-mail Agent General Settings

Manually Activating the Email Agent You Want to Use

Media Templates

Emailing in an Unattended Environment

Acknowledgment of an Alarm via Email or SMS