Call-In Agent Quick Start

This topic describes quick start steps for a call-in agent. For additional information, refer to the Configuring a Call-In Agent topic.

Before you begin, you should make sure that UAC is turned off on your computer.

  1. Launch the Multimedia Configurator by selecting Start -> Programs -> ICONICS AlarmWorX Multimedia -> Workbench.
  2. In the tree control on the left hand side, expand Alarm Configurations -> Multimedia Agents -> Telephony.
  3. Expand the left hand tree structure for Telephony and go to Call-In Agent
  4. Right-click and Insert a New Call-In Menu group.
  5. Under the above Call-In group, add a Call-In menu.
  6. We will configure this so that a user is required to enter their ID to listen to alarms and/or acknowledge them. Configure this item as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Initial User ID Menu

  1. For the User IDs to be authenticated by the Multimedia server, an Alias File is provided. Configure the alias file as desired, by selecting Call-In Agent -> Alias Table.

Figure 2 - Alias Table to Authenticate User IDs

  1. With the alias table set up and the ID Code Menu in place, you may now set this menu item to be the Main Menu, so the Call-In agent starts off with this. Select the Call-In Agent, and on the Main Menu field select your ID menu.
  2. Once the user enters their ID, the server authenticates them and then plays the menu that enables listening and acknowledging of the alarms. The next step is to create a main menu phrase.
  3. Add a new Call-In menu named Main Menu and configure it.

Figure 3 - Menu to Listen and Acknowledge Alarms

  1. Make this new menu the default menu, so the user gets to the beginning of this menu as a default state under the Call-In agent.
  2. The Call-In agent is now configured and ready to work for you!

What Happens When a User Calls In?

  1. A user calls in.
  2. The Multimedia server picks up the phone and plays the Introduction Phrase in the menu assigned as Main Menu.
  3. The server asks user to enter his ID and authenticates it using the Alias table.
  4. If authenticated, the Multimedia Server plays the Introduction Phrase of the menu and the options available.
  5. Based on key selection, the associated action happens.

Note: Call-In Agent Menu Templates MUST contain only Text-To-Speech. See Call-In Agent Menu Templates and Text-To-Speech.

See also:

Multimedia Call In Agent

Configuring a Call-In Agent

Telephony Agents Folder