
[Click Here for more info on Hyper Historian Data Archiver]

To Add a Dataset Definition:

  1. Open the Workbench, expand your project in the Project Explorer, then expand the Historical Data node, then the Hyper Historian node, then the Data Exporters node.
  2. Right-click on the Datasets node, then click on Add Dataset Definition in the pulldown menu, as shown below.

Add Dataset Definition from Project Explorer


Select the Datasets node, then click on the Add Dataset Definition button, shown below, in the Edit section of the Home ribbon in the Workbench.

Add Dataset Definition Button

  1. This opens the Dataset Definition properties, as shown below. Enter a Name for the Dataset Definition properties in the text entry field.

Dataset Definition Properties

Dataset definition Tab

Dataset definition Tab

General Settings

  • Description -Description of the synchronization task. Enter a description in the text entry field.

  • Storage data -Specify the data to be stored - Raw data or Aggregated.

Aggregate Options

The following options are available upon choosing Aggregated storage data in the previous setting.

  • Resampling start -Enter the start time/date for aggregate calculations in the text entry field or click on the to open the date picker and select your start time/date.

  • Calculation Period -Rate at which the Data Exporter Task aggregates are evaluated. Enter a rate in the text entry field or use the up/down arrow buttons. Use the pulldown menu to select from Second(s), Minute(s), Hour(s), or Day(s).

  • Percent Good -Indicates the minimum percentage of Good data in a given interval which would cause the StatusCode for the given interval for the processed data requests to be set to Good. For values below this percentage, the StatusCode would be Uncertain or Bad. Enter a number (in percentage) in the text entry field or use the up/down arrow buttons.

  • Percent Bad -Indicates the minimum percentage of Bad data in a given interval which would cause the StatusCode for the given interval for the processed data requests to be set to Bad. For values below this percentage, the StatusCode would be Uncertain or Good. Enter a number (in percentage) in the text entry field or use the up/down arrow buttons.

  • Treat Uncertain as Bad -True to tread samples with uncertain quality as bad values.

  • Sloped Extrapolation -Indicates how the server interpolates data when no boundary value exists (i.e. extrapolating into the future from the last known value). A value of False indicates that the server will use a SteppedExtrapolation format, and hold the last known value constant. A value of True indicates the server will project the value using SlopedInterpolation mode. The default value is False.

Columns Tab

Columns Tab

  • Add - Click to add a new column parameter.

  • Remove - Click to delete a selected column parameter from the list.

  • Up Arrow/Down Arrow - Click to move a selected column parameter up or down within the list.

  • Column Name - Enter a column name in the text entry field.

  • Column Description - Enter a description for the column in the text entry field.

  • Column Value Type - Use the pulldown menu to select the type of the column source data. Select from Annotation Text, Annotation Time, Annotation User Name, Array of Values, Calculated, Description, Engineering Units, High Range, Low Range, None, Path Element Absolute, Path Element Relative, Point Name, Timestamp, Value, or Value Status.

    • Index -Selecting the Array of Values, Path Element Absolute, or Path Element Relative options will allow you to specify an index. Enter an index in the text entry field or use the up/down arrow buttons.

    • Selecting the Calculated option will provide access to the Expression Editor at the bottom of the Dataset Definition properties.

  • Resampled Value Type - Type of the aggregate for the data. Use the pulldown menu to select from Annotation Count, Average, Count, Delta, Delta with bounds, Duration Bad, Duration Good, Duration in state non zero, Duration in state zero, End, End with bounds, Interpolative, Maximum, Maximum Actual Time, Maximum Actual Time with bounds, Maximum with bounds, Minimum, Minimum Actual Time, Minimum Actual Time with bounds, Minimum with bounds, Non, Number of Transitions, Percent Bad, Percent Good, Population Standard Deviation N, Population Variance N, Range, Range with bounds, Sample Standard Deviation N-1, Sample Variance N-1, Start, Start with bounds, Sum, Time Average with bounds, Time Average with complex bounds, Total, Total with bounds, Worst Quality, or Worst Quality with bounds.

  • Target Data Type - Type of the data in the target place. Use the pulldown menu to select the target data type. The options listed will change depending on the Column Value Type selected.

    • Length - Some selected Target Data Types will allow for setting length for the target type. Enter a length in the text entry field or click on the up/down arrow buttons.

Filters Tab

Filters Tab


  • + Click here to add new item - Specify which tags will be synchronized within the given data exporter synchronization task. Enter a data point name in the text entry field or click on the button to open the Data Browser and navigate to your selected data point name.


  • + Click here to add new item -

  • Point Name Filter - String representing data variable name. May contain wildcard characters (*, ?, #, []). For example, you can have something like <<Tag>>* used and if the user will specify <<Tag>> = Sine, as an alias, then every tag like Sine*(SineSlow, SineMed, SineFast) from path specified in PathFilter will be used in data set.

  • Path Filter - String representing location in the address space, may contain wildcard characters (*, ?, #, []).

  • Variable Type Filter - String where each character represents single data variable type. Empty string represents all data variable types. The following characters are supported: 'R' - Raw data, 'C' - Calculated data, 'A' - Aggregated data.

  1. Once you have completed editing your Dataset Definition properties, click on Apply then Close to return to the Workbench.

See Also:

Data Archiver

