Alert Sierra Tools and Troubleshooting

To test and troubleshoot Alert Sierra functionality, you can choose from several third-party applications.

ICONICS does not support any of these tools. For assistance, contact your IT department before using any of them.


In the command line, you can enter netstat -o to view all open ports. For more information, see

Microsoft Port Query

Using this utility, you can view the status of UDP ports for an IP address. To use Port Query, do the following:

  1. Enter destination IP or FQDN to query: Enter the local machine IP address.

  2. Manually input query ports: In Ports to query, enter the local host port. In Protocol, select UDP.

  3. Click Query.

  4. In Query Result, locate the following entry that indicates a successful connection: UDP port [PortNumber]: LISTENING or FILTERED


In the command line, you can enter ipconfig to find the local IP address. For more information, see


Using this utility, you can monitor port usage and identify potential conflicts for FwxAlertWorXSierraService.exe. To use TCPView, do the following:

  1. To simplify the view of the results, deselect TCP v4, TCP v6, and UDP v6.

  2. In the Process Name column, locate FwxAlertWorXSierraService.exe.

  3. Verify that all other Local Port values are not in conflict.

Packet Sender - UDP Test Tool

Using this utility, you can debug communication issues, verifying the GENESIS64 server can send UDP commands to the Sierra modem and the Sierra modem can send and receive SMS messages properly. To download the tool, see

You must allow packetsender.exe to send and receive packets through your Windows firewall.

To use Packet Sender, do the following:

  1. In the menu bar, select File > Settings, enter the configuration information for your UDP server ports, and then click OK.

  2. In Address, enter the modem's IP address.

  3. In Port, enter the modem port number.

  4. In the protocol drop-down, select UDP.

  5. Click Send. Packet Sender sends a UDP message to the modem, which sends an SMS message to your phone.

  6. On your phone, reply to the message. For example, send Message received.

  7. In Packet Sender, verify the receipt of the HEX message, which converts into ASCII as your reply message.

See Also:

About AlertWorX

Alert Sierra Configurations