TrendWorX64 Logger Configuration

A configuration database changes the manner in which data is collected from the data source on the server within TrendWorX64 Logger. This database is a set of connection properties for the connection between the data sources on the SQL server (the "input" for TrendWorX Logger) and the logger databases (the "output" from TrendWorX Logger). Properties such as how often data is refreshed, how timestamps are administered, and how the tag data and associated field information will be stored are part of a database configuration.

  • Only one configuration database can be active per machine at any time.

  • In TrendWorX64 Logger, there is one single configuration database for a specified logger database.

To edit a configuration database, do the following:

  1. Double click Configuration under the database in the TrendWorX64 Logger Configurator tree explorer. The ClosedTrendWorX64 LoggerConfiguration form displays.

    TrendWorX64 Logger Configuration Form

  2. You can set the following parameters:

  • Name: The default name is Configuration. You may edit this name if desired.

  • Use Global Connection: This option instructs the TrendWorX64 Logger to maintain an open database connection with each database group for the duration of the data-logging activity. By default, it is selected which indicates TRUE. It should be used when the data-logging application writes frequently to the database; it yields a better performance. However, if data collection rates are slower and logging to disk is configured to be slow, disabling this option may actually improve performance and the usage of CPU, memory, and database server resources.

  • Use UTC Time: Enable this check box if you would like all time stamps stored in the database to be stored as UTC time stamps. This is to accommodate automatic daylight saving time switching in Windows when the Data Logger is logging data.

Note:  All historical clients and reporting tools will always retrieve historical data in their local (non-UTC) time.

  • Retrials and Retrial Delay: The data logger supports retrials as an option, if any data-logging operation fails. You have control over the number of retrials and the interval between these retrials in seconds.

  • Max Samples: Use this setting to control the maximum number of samples to be kept in the memory buffers prior to data logging on a per-signal (tag) basis. Lower the value of the Max Samples setting if you find that your system is generating an excessive amount of samples and consuming excessive amounts of resources.

  • Max Logging Packets: The Max Logging Packets option is used with the Retrials option to control the number of data-logging failures. It sets the maximum number of data-logging packets to keep in memory, so that in case of failed data logging, the logging activity will not use all available PC memory. The larger the number of retrials and max logging packets, the more system memory the TrendWorX64 Logger will use.

  • GAS Theme: This field allows you to select global aliasing themes. Clicking on the ellipsis [...] opens the 'Set Global Themes and Aliases' window. You can set a theme or global alias in several GENESIS64 products. Product interfaces and properties prompt you to enter a GAS theme or global alias. To use the dialog box, follow the steps below.

  1. To set the theme scope and theme or theme value:

    1. Click the Add button in the Themes section at the top of the dialog box. This displays the Edit Global Themes dialog box where you can select a theme and its scope for the display.

    2. Specify the theme and, optionally, select one of the theme's values.

    3. Specify the scope at the bottom of the dialog box. To apply the theme to the runtime machine, process, or specified document level, select Absolute, then choose the level from the drop-down list. Alternatively, to apply the theme to a level in relation to the document-level of the display, select Relative to current document level and specify the number of levels up and down that the theme is to be applied.

    4. Click OK when you are done. The Edit Global Themes dialog box closes putting the Set Global Theme and Aliases dialog box on top.

  2. Alternatively, you can dynamically set a global alias and its value. To set the global alias or value:

    1. Click the Add button in the bottom Aliases section to display the Edit Global Aliases dialog box

    2. Specify the global alias and, optionally, select one of the alias's values.

    3. Specify the scope at the bottom of the dialog box. To apply the global alias or value to the runtime machine, process, or specified document level, select Absolute, then choose the level from the drop-down list. Alternatively, to apply the global alias to a level in relation to the document-level of the display, select Relative to current document level and specify the number of levels up and down that the theme is to be applied.

    4. Click OK when you are done. The Edit Global Aliases dialog box closes putting the Set Global Theme and Aliases dialog box on top.

  3. Click OK to close the Set Global Theme and Aliases dialog box.

  1. Click the Apply button to save your settings. If you made changes that you do not want to save click the Refresh button. The settings will revert to what they were before you made any changes, as along as you did not already click the Apply button.

See also:

TrendWorX64 Logger