Performance Calculation Functions
The following functions are available to expressions created for performance calculation tags and calculation triggers in Hyper Historian. Expressions for calculating a calculated tag are defined for the calculated tag itself, as described in the Configuring a Calculated Tag topic.
The functions listed in this topic are supplemental to all Expression Editor functions described in the Expression Editor topic. Click on one of the following hyperlinks to go directly to descriptions of the functions.
Date and Time functions - Click here to see Date and Time functions in the Expression Editor's Functions menu
Data value functions - Click here to see Data Value functions in the Expression Editor's Functions menu
Historical functions (including standard deviation and variance functions) - Click here to see Historical functions in the Expression Editor's Functions menu
Metadata functions - Click here to see Metadata functions in the Expression Editor's Functions menu
Date and Time Functions
The date and time functions that you can use in expressions for calculated tags are listed here and are described in more detail below.
now - Trigger time (Local time) of the trigger that invoked this calculation
utcnow - Trigger time (UTC time) of the trigger that invoked this calculation
yday - Returns a timestamp based on current trigger time with time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM and date moved to preceding day
today - Returns a timestamp based on current trigger time with time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM
mintime - Returns the smallest possible value of DateTime type
maxtime - Returns the largest possible value of DateTime type
tolocal - Converts to Local time
toutc - Converts to UTC time
isdst - Returns true when given timestamp is within the Daylight Savings Time range for the current time zone; returns false when given timestamp is in UTC
noon - Returns a timestamp with the date portion taken from the given time and the time portion rounded to 12:00:00 PM
bday - Returns a timestamp with the date portion taken from the given time and the time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM
bmonth - Returns a timestamp with the month and year taken from the given time and the time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM
byear - Returns a timestamp with year taken from given time and time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM
second - Seconds part of a given timestamp (0-59)
minute - Minutes part of a given timestamp (0-59)
hour - Hour part of a given timestamp (0-23)
day - Day part of a given timestamp (1-31)
month - Month part of a given timestamp (1-12)
year - Year part of a given timestamp (4-digit year)
yearday - Returns an Integer between 1 and 366 representing the day of the year for a given timestamp
weekday - Returns an Integer between 0 and 6 representing the day of the week for a given timestamp (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday)
dayseconds - Returns an Integer between 0 and 86399 representing the seconds of the day for a given timestamp
now (Trigger Time (Local))
Returns the local time of the trigger that invoked this calculation.
Format: now()
Returns: DateTime Value
utcnow (Trigger Time (UTC))
Returns the UTC time of the trigger that invoked this calculation.
Format: utcnow()
Returns: DateTime Value
yday (Yesterday Date)
Returns the time based on the current trigger time with the time rounded to 12:00:00 AM and the date moved to the preceding day.
Format: yday()
Returns: DateTime Value
today (Today Date)
Returns the time based on the current trigger time with the time rounded to 12:00:00 AM.
Format: today()
Returns: DateTime Value
mintime (Minimum Time)
Returns the smallest possible value of the DateTime type.
Format: mintime()
Returns: DateTime Value
maxtime (Maximum Time)
Returns the largest possible value of the DateTime type.
Format: maxtime()
Returns: DateTime Value
tolocal (Convert To Local Time)
Returns the local time for the given UTC time. When the given time is local, it does nothing.
Format: tolocal(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: DateTime Value
toutc (Convert To UTC Time)
Returns the UTC time for the given local time. When the given time is UTC, it does nothing.
Format: toutc(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: DateTime Value
isdst (Is Daylight Saving Time)
Returns true when the given timestamp is within the Daylight Saving Time range for the current time zone; returns false when the given timestamp is in UTC.
Format: isdst(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Boolean (true/false) Value
noon (Noon Time)
Returns the time with the date portion taken from the given time and the time portion rounded to 12:00:00 PM.
Format: noon(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: DateTime Value
bday (Begining of Day)
Returns the time with the date portion taken from the given time and the time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM.
Format: bday(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: DateTime Value
bmonth (Begining of Month)
Returns the time with the month and year taken from the given time and the time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM.
Format: bmonth(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: DateTime Value
byear (Begining of Year)
Returns the time with the year taken from the given time and the time portion rounded to 12:00:00 AM.
Format: byear(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: DateTime Value
second (Second Fragment)
Returns an integer number between 0 and 59 representing the second fragment of the given time.
Format: second(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
minute (Minute Fragment)
Returns an integer number between 0 and 59 representing the minute fragment of the given time.
Format: minute(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
hour (Hour Fragment)
Returns an integer number between 0 and 23 representing the hour fragment of the given time.
Format: hour(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
day (Day Fragment)
Returns an integer number between 1 and 31 representing the day from the date of the given time.
Format: day(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
month (Month Fragment)
Returns an integer number between 1 and 12 representing the month from the date of the given time.
Format: month(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
year (Year Fragment)
Returns an integer number between 1 and 9999 representing the year from the date of the given time.
Format: year(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
yearday (Day of Year)
Returns an integer number between 1 and 366 representing the day of the year for the given time.
Format: yearday(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
weekday (Day of Week)
Returns an integer number between 0 and 6 representing day of the week for the given time. Values are:
- 0 - Sunday
- 1 - Monday
- 2 - Tuesday
- 3 - Wednesday
- 4 - Thursday
- 5 - Friday
- 6 - Saturday
Format: weekday(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
dayseconds (Day Total Seconds)
Returns an integer number between 0 and 86399 representing the second of the day for the given time.
Format: dayseconds(sourceTime)
sourceTime: DateTime value to perform operation on
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
Data Value Functions
Data Value functions that you can use in expressions for calculated tags are listed here and are described in more detail below.
- tagat - Returns the data value at a given time
- tagprev - Returns the first data value preceding the given timestamp
- tagprev2- Returns the first data value preceding the given timestamp or at the given time
- tagnext - Returns the next data value following the given timestamp
- tagnext2- Returns the next data value following the given timestamp or at the given time
- tagprevgood - Returns the first good quality data value preceding the given timestamp
- tagprevgood2- Returns the first good quality data value preceding the given timestamp or at the given time
- tagnextgood - Returns the next good quality data value following the given timestamp
- tagnextgood2- Returns the next good quality data value following the given timestamp or at the given time
- tagprevn - Returns an array of previous 'n' data values
- tagprevn2- Returns an array of previous and current 'n' data values
- tagnextn - Returns an array of next 'n' data values
- tagnextn2- Returns an array of current and next 'n' data values
- tagprevngood - Returns an array of previous 'n' good quality data values
- tagprevngood2- Returns an array of previous and current 'n' good quality data values
- tagnextngood - Returns an array of next 'n' good quality data values
- tagnextngood2- Returns an array of current and next 'n' good quality data values
- trgnamecur - Returns the name of the trigger that invoked this calculation
- trgnameprev - Returns the name of the trigger that invoked the previous calculation
- trgcur - Returns the data value of the trigger that invoked this calculation
- calcprev - Returns the last known calculated value
- elm - Returns a specified array element
- val - Returns the value part of a given data variable
- valsetgood- Returns the value part of a given data variable and sets the expression quality to "Good"
- time - Returns the timestamp part of a given data variable
- qualcode - Returns the quality code part of a given data variable
- isgood - Returns true when the given data value has good quality
- isbad - Returns true when the given data value has bad quality
- isunc - Returns true when the given data value has uncertain quality
- hasval - Returns true when the given data value contains a valid value
- nologval - Returns this value as the result and nothing will be logged
tagat (Data Value at Time)
Returns the data value at the given timestamp. The data value can be either a raw value or an interpolated value. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagat(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprev (Previous Data Value)
Returns the data value preceding the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprev(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprev2 (Previous or Current Data Value)
Returns the data value preceding or including the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprev2(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnext (Next Data Value)
Returns the data value following the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnext(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnext2 (Next or Current Data Value)
Returns the data value following or including the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnext2(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprevgood (Previous Good Data Value)
Returns the first good quality data value that precedes the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprevgood(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprevgood2 (Previous or Current Good Data Value)
Returns the first good quality data value that precedes the given timestamp or occurs at the given time. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprevgood2(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnextgood (Next Good Data Value)
Returns the first good quality data value that follows the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnextgood(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnextgood2 (Next or Current Good Data Value)
Returns the first good quality data value that follows the given timestamp or occurs at the given time. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnextgood2(variable,dateTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprevn (Previous N Data Values)
Returns the given number of data values preceding the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprev(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprevn2 (Previous and Current N Data Values)
Returns the given number of data values preceding and including the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprevn2(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnextn (Next N Data Values)
Returns the given number of data values following the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnext(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnextn2 (Next and Current N Data Values)
Returns the given number of data values following and including the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnext2(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprevngood (Previous N Good Data Values)
Returns the given number of good quality data values preceding the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprevgood(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagprevngood2 (Previous and Current N Good Data Values)
Returns the given number of good quality data values preceding and including the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagprevgood2(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnextngood (Next N Good Data Values)
Returns the given number of good quality data values following the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnextgood(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagnextngood2 (Next and Current N Good Data Values)
Returns the given number of good quality data values following and including the given timestamp. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagnextgood2(variable,dateTime,int)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
dateTime: DateTime Value
int: Integer indicating the number of values to return
Returns: (n) DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
trgnamecur (Current Trigger Name)
Returns the name of the trigger that invoked this calculation.
Format: trgnamecur()
Returns: String Value
trgnameprev (Previous Trigger Name)
Returns the name of the trigger that invoked the previous calculation.
Format: trgnameprev()
Returns: String Value
trgcur (Current Trigger Value)
Returns the data value of the trigger that invoked this calculation.
Format: trgcur()
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
calcprev (Previous Calculated Value)
Returns the last known calculated value.
Format: calcprev()
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
elm (Array Element)
Returns an element of the given array at the given position.
Format: elm(array, arrayPosition)
Returns: The array element as a generic value
val (Value)
Returns the value fragment of the given Data Value.
Format: val(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: Raw DataValue type
valsetgood (Value)
Returns the value fragment of the given Data Value and sets the quality of the expression to "Good."
Format: val(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: Raw DataValue type
time (Timestamp)
Returns the timestamp fragment of the given Data Value.
Format: time(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: DateTime Value
qualcode (Quality Code)
Returns the quality code fragment of the given Data Value.
Format: qualcode(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: Unsigned Integer (4 bytes) Value
isgood (Is Data Value Good)
Returns true when the given data value is of good quality.
Format: isgood(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: Boolean (true/false) Value
isbad (Is Data Value Bad)
Returns true when the given data value is of bad quality.
Format: isbad(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: Boolean (true/false) Value
isunc (Is Data Value Uncertain)
Returns true when the given data value is of uncertain quality.
Format: isunc(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: Boolean (true/false) Value
hasval (Has Value)
Returns true when the given data value contains a valid value.
Format: hasval(dataValue)
dataValue: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Returns: Boolean (true/false) Value
nologval (Not Logged Value)
Returns this value as the result; nothing will be logged.
Format: nologval()
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Historical Functions
The historical functions that you can use in expressions for calculated tags are listed here and are described in more detail below. These functions may be slower than expected as they access historical data.
tagfind - The first timestamp of the value that matches the given filtering criteria within the specified time interval
tagfindstate - The first timestamp of the value that matches the given state value within the specified time interval
tagavg - Average
tagtavg - Time Weighted Average
tagtotalize - Totalize
tagtotal - Total
tagmin - Minimum
tagmax - Maximum
tagdelta - Difference between the first and last good raw values for the given data variable and time range
tagrange - Difference between the maximum and minimum good raw values for the given data variable and time range
tagcount - Number of samples for the given data variable and time range
tagtimestate0 - Duration in State 0 for the given data variable and time range
tagtimestate1 - Duration in State 1 for the given data variable and time range
tagntrans - Number of Transitions between zero and non-zero state for the given data variable and time range
tagpctgood - Percent of the time for which data value had good quality in the given time interval
tagpctbad - Percent of the time for which data value had bad quality in the given time interval
tagtimegood - Duration of time for which the data value had good quality in the given time interval
tagtimebad - Duration of time for which the data value had bad quality in the given time interval
tagworstqual - Returns the worst value quality for the given data variable and time range
tagtime - Returns the time for which data values matched the given filter criteria, within the specified time interval
tagstddev - Standard deviation using 1/(N-1) calculation
tagstddev2 - Standard deviation using 1/N calculation
tagvariance - Variance using 1/(N-1) calculation
tagvariance2 - Variance using 1/N calculation
tagfind (Find Timestamp)
Returns the first timestamp of the value that matches the given filter criteria within the specified time interval. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagfind(variable,startTime,endTime,comparisonType,comparisonValue)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
comparisonType: String value representing comparison type, it can be one of the following:
== != > >= < <=
comparisonValue: Numeric value to compare with
Returns: DateTime Value
tagfindstate (Find Timestamp for given State)
Returns the first timestamp of the value that matches the given state value, within the specified time interval. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagfindstate(variable,startTime,endTime,boolState)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
boolState: a boolean value representing the state to search for
Returns: DateTime Value
tagavg (Average)
Returns the average value for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagavg(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in the range 0 to 100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtavg (Time Weighted Average)
Returns the time weighted average value for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtavg(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtotalize (Totalize)
Returns the totalized value for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtotalize(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtotal (Total - sum)
Returns the total (sum) value for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtotal(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagmin (Minimum)
Returns the minimum value for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagmin(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagmax (Maximum)
Returns the maximum value for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagmax(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagdelta (Delta)
Returns the difference between the first and last good raw values for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagdelta(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagrange (Range)
Returns the difference between the maximum and minimum good raw values for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagrange(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagcount (Samples Count)
Returns the number of all samples for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagcount(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtimestate0 (Time Duration in State 0)
Returns how long the value was in the zero state for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtimestate0(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtimestate1 (Time Duration in State 1)
Returns how long the value was in the not-zero state for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtimestate1(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagntrans (Number of Transitions)
Returns the number of transitions between zero and not zero state for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagntrans(variable,startTime,endTime,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagpctgood (% of Good Values)
Returns the percentage of time over the given time interval that the data value had good quality. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagpctgood(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagpctbad (% of Bad Values)
Returns the percentage of the time over the given time interval that the data value had bad quality. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagpctbad(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtimegood (Good Values Time Duration)
Returns the time over which the data value had good quality in the given time interval. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtimegood(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtimebad (Bad Values Time Duration)
Returns the time over which the data value had bad quality in the given time interval. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtimebad(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagworstqual (Worst Quality)
Returns the worst value quality for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagworstqual(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagtime (Value based Time Duration)
Returns the time over the specified time interval that data values match the given filter criteria. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagtime(variable,startTime,endTime,comparisonType,comparisonValue,percentGood)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
comparisonType: String value representing comparison type, it can be one of the following:
== != > >= < <=
comparisonValue: Numeric value to compare with
percentGood: Numeric value in range 0-100 indicating percentage of good samples in given time interval to return good status code for processed value
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagstddev (Standard Deviation (N − 1))
Returns the Standard Deviation (with Bessel's correction) for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagstddev(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagstddev2 (Standard Deviation (N))
Returns the Standard Deviation for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagstddev2(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagvariance (Variance (N − 1))
Returns the Variance (with Bessel's correction) for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagvariance(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
tagvariance2 (Variance (N))
Return the Variance for the given data variable and time range. Note that this function may be slow as it accesses historical data.
Format: tagvariance2(variable,startTime,endTime)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
startTime: DateTime value indicating begin of the time interval to process data for
endTime: DateTime, TimeSpan or Numeric milliseconds value indicating end of the time interval to process data for
Returns: DataValue, a set of Timestamp, Value and Quality code
Metadata Functions
The metadata functions that you can use in expressions for calculated tags are listed here and are described in more detail below.
tagname - Name of the given data variable
tagdname - Display name of the given data variable
tagdesc - Description of the given data variable
tagvaltype - Value type for the given data variable. The returned values are: 0-Native, 1-Double, 2-Single, 3-SByte, 4-Int16, 5-Int32, 6-Int64, 7-Byte, 8-UInt16, 9-UInt32, 10-UInt64, 11-String, 13-Bool, 16-Duration
tagtype - Variable type for the given data variable. The returned values are: 0-Base, 1-Analog, 2-Decimal Analog, 3-Digital
tagunits - Engineering units for the given data variable
taghighval - High value from value range for the given data variable
taglowval - Low value from value range for the given data variable
tagsource - Source data point name for the given data variable
tagname (Name)
Returns the configured name for the given data variable.
Format: tagname(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: String Value
tagdname (Display Name)
Returns the configured display name for the given data variable.
Format: tagdname(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: String Value
tagdesc (Description)
Returns the configured description for the given data variable.
Format: tagdesc(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: String Value
tagvaltype (Value Type)
Returns an integer value that represents the data value type. Valid values are:
0 - Native |
7 - Byte |
1 - Double |
8 - UInt16 |
2 - Single |
9 - UInt32 |
3 - SByte |
10 - UInt64 |
4 - Int16 |
11 - String |
5 - Int32 |
13 - Bool |
6 - Int64 |
16 - Duration |
Format: tagvaltype(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
tagtype (Variable Type)
Return integer value representing data variable type. Valid values are:
- 0 - Base
- 1 - Analog
- 2 - Decimal Analog
- 3 - Digital
Format: tagtype(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: Integer (4 bytes) Value
tagunits (Engineering Units)
Returns the configured engineering units for the given data variable.
Format: tagunits(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: String Value
taghighval (High Range)
Returns the configured high value from value range for the given data variable.
Format: taghighval(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: Double Value
taglowval (Low Range)
Returns the configured low value from value range for the given data variable.
Format: taglowval(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: Double Value
tagsource (Source)
Returns the configured source data point name for the given data variable.
Format: tagsource(variable)
variable: Internal data variable, i.e. {{fully_qualified_variable_name}}
Returns: String Value
See also:
Creating a Calculation Trigger