Pivot Control

A Pivot Control is a dynamic, navigational display that allows the user to combine multiple GraphWorX displays into a single display. Any view or object that can be created in GraphWorX can be incorporated into a Pivot Control. Pivot Controls are created especially for use with a touchscreen, which allows for the user to navigate between pages with touch commands.

Pivot Pages Ribbon - Once a Pivot Control has been created, selecting it will give the user access to the Pivot Pages Ribbon.

Pivot Pages Ribbon

Pivot Pages

  • Add Page - Adds an additional page to the explorer and an additional pivot item to the pivot control display.
  • Remove Page - Deletes the selected page from the explorer and removes the pivot item from the pivot control display.

Pivot Control Display

 Pivot Control Display with Features Labeled

Pivot Control - The entire display containing multiple pages that can be navigated via a touchscreen.

Title - Displays the name of the current pivot control.

Pivot Item - A single pivot item is both the selectable text or title and the corresponding layer. The selected text of the active Pivot Item is highlighted while the titles of other available pivot items (as shown above) are dulled. A Pivot Item is created when a new page is added.

Layer - The actual GraphWorX display page. The content of the layer can be created in GraphWorX as well as any of the other GraphWorX viewers such as EarthWorX or AlarmWorX.

Pivot Control Explorer

The Pivot Control Explorer allows the user to navigate between the available Pivot Items contained within the Pivot Control.

Pivot Control Explorer

Selecting the plus sign [] to the left of the Pivot Control will open all of the Pivot Items contained in the Pivot Control. By drilling down into each Pivot Item, the user will have access to the features. By default, a Pivot Item contains Text (the title) and a Layer (the content). Selecting an item within the explorer, will select the same item within the display. The properties of a selected item can be modified within the Pivot Control Properties menu. Changing the names of the items within the explorer will not alter the content of the page.

For more information on navigating the Pivot Control Explorer, see the Object Explorer page.

See also:

Controls Ribbon in GraphWorX 2D