GENESIS64 - Upgrade to New Version

Description: This information is intended for users who want to upgrade their current version of GENESIS64 or ICONICS Suite to version Version 10.97.3.


This Help topic will guide you through the process of upgrading a previous version of GENESIS64 or ICONICS Suite to Version 10.97.3.

If you have a redundant Hyper Historian setup, please follow the application note entitled Hyper Historian - Upgrade to New Version for instructions on how to upgrade without any data loss.

Before proceeding with the upgrade, please note that previous versions of the license must be upgraded to version Version 10.97.3 using the Web Licensing Utility. This applies to both software and hardware licenses.

Please contact your local ICONICS Sales or Orders Department to verify that your SupportWorX plan covers this upgrade and to receive instructions on how to perform the upgrade.

Recommended Pre-Upgrade Actions

  • Check that your SupportWorX Plan is valid and covers the upgrade – you can contact the ICONICS Orders Department for this information.
  • Check that your hardware and software components meet the minimum requirements – see the DVD readme.
  • Obtain account credentials for an account with local administrator rights to the machine where you will be doing the upgrade.
  • Obtain account credentials for the Microsoft SQL Server you will be using for your configuration and logging databases.
  • Check the ICONICS website for any patches or known issues prior to the upgrade.

Upgrading to Version 10.97.3

GENESIS64 Advanced vs. Basic SCADA

GENESIS64 Basic SCADA is a package of the GENESIS64 suite introduced in 10.96.2. Basic SCADA is designed to be economical and expandable for small applications. It uses a new tag counting method for licensing. This tag counting method requires that all tags (except for internal tags related to the health and status of ICONICS processes) be configured as equipment properties in AssetWorX.

GENESIS64 Advanced is the new name for the same GENESIS64 package that was available in version 10.96.1 or earlier. Version 10.96.1 GENESIS64 licenses will convert to a GENESIS64 Advanced license upon upgrading.

Users upgrading from version 10.96.1 or earlier are encouraged to use the GENESIS64 Advanced installation to ensure they keep their existing functionality.

Users upgrading from version 10.96.1 or earlier who choose to upgrade to GENESIS64 Basic SCADA instead of Advanced may experience a loss in functionality and may have to perform a significant configuration change in order to ensure all relevant tags are configured as AssetWorX equipment properties.


Follow these steps before running the Version 10.97.3 installation:

  1. Back up all display files, configuration and logging databases, and HHD files.  If you have made any manual updates to any INI or CONFIG files, back those up as well.
  2. Kill your license, credit it to the ICONICS Web Licensing Utility site, then use the Upgrade License action on the web to upgrade your license to Version 10.97.3.

    NOTE: For more details on how to kill, credit, and reauthorize your license, see one of these Help topics or app notes, depending on your license type:

    Licensing – Using the ICONICS Web Licensing Utility for Software Key Licenses

    Licensing – Using the ICONICS Web Licensing Utility for Hardware Key Licenses

  1. Stop any running ICONICS processes and services.

When installing GENESIS64 or ICONICS Suite onto a system that already has prior ICONICS products, those products will be automatically uninstalled. If the previous version was version 10.96 or later, the upgrade process will save any customizations made outside configuration databases (such as settings saved in INI or CONFIG files) to help provide customers with a more seamless upgrade process.

The following products will be uninstalled automatically if you select the upgrade option, or should be uninstalled manually before installing GENESIS64 or ICONICS Suite version Version 10.97.3:

  • AlarmWorX64 Multimedia
  • AssetWorX
  • CFSWorX
  • Energy AnalytiX
  • Facility AnalytiX
  • Hyper Historian
  • Hyper Historian Collector
  • ICONICS Client
  • ICONICS Suite
  • IoTWorX
  • MobileHMI
  • ReportWorX Express
  • SQL Query Engines
  • Quality AnalytiX

ICONICS Technical Support recommends that previous versions be uninstalled manually if the user wants to completely remove all files and clean up the system. In this case, the user should follow the next section on manual uninstallation.

Manual Uninstallation of Existing Products

Follow the steps in this section before running the new product installation to ensure that all previous version files are removed.

NOTE: System customizations saved to INI or CONFIG files that were not backed up may be lost when doing a manual uninstallation.

  1. Open Windows Settings.
  2. Select Apps.
  3. Select the existing ICONICS installation.
  4. Select Uninstall.
  5. Follow the uninstall steps.
  6. Repeat for other ICONICS products.
  7. After everything is uninstalled, go to the installation location (the default is C:\Program Files) and delete the ICONICS folder if it still exists.
  8. Go to C:\ProgramData and delete the ICONICS folder if it still exists.
  9. Go to folder C:\Program Files\Common Files and delete the ICONICS folder if it still exists.
  10. Optional: If you will not be reusing them, delete any configuration or supporting files created using the previous version.


  1. Run the installation from the Version 10.97.3 DVD or ISO file.
  2. Follow the installation prompts.
    • During the Database Creation step, ensure that the Overwrite Databases option is unchecked to avoid losing existing configurations. This also applies when using the Silent Installation option.
    • When given the option, select Upgrade all Configurations. If you do not select this option, then you will need to manually upgrade your configurations after the installation from Workbench.
    • Important note if your project used TrendWorX64 Logger – TrendWorX64 Logger is no longer installed with GENESIS64 by default.

      ICONICS highly recommends upgrading to Hyper Historian Express for better performance.  If you would like to upgrade, see the application note entitled, Hyper Historian - Upgrade from TrendWorX64 to Hyper Historian.

      If you would prefer to continue using the TrendWorX64 Logger, in the ICONICS Suite installation make sure to pick the Custom setup type, and then on the Select Features page make sure to check the TrendWorX64 Logger box under Server > Application Servers.

    • It is mandatory to create an initial user for the ICONICS security database.
    • Choose between Normal Setup and Secure Setup. Normal Setup is easier to use but has less security. No login in Workbench is required. Secure Setup will require users to log into Workbench. HTTPS will be the default for connections and remote HTTP will be disabled. WPF WebHMI (which requires Internet Explorer) will be disabled. WPF WebHMI can be enabled after installation - see the Enabling WPF WebHMI after Secure Setup section below for more details.
  3. The installation will now install the version Version 10.97.3 software.
  4. Repeat the above steps for any other ICONICS products that you want to upgrade.
  5. After the version Version 10.97.3 installation is complete, restart your machine.

Final Steps

  1. Restart all ICONICS services or reboot the machine.

  2. Activate your ugraded license.

Enabling WPF WebHMI after Secure Setup

When installing using the "Secure Setup" option, WPF WebHMI will be disabled by default. This does not affect HTML5 WebHMI or MobileHMI projects, but it will prevent the use of WPF WebHMI clients (which require Internet Explorer).

To enable WPF WebHMI after installing using the Secure Setup option, follow these steps:

  1. Open Workbench.
  2. Log into ICONICS security.
  3. Open the Configure Application(s) settings page with one of the following methods:

    1. In Project Explorer, open the context menu for the project and select Configure Application(s) settings.
    2. Go to Home and select Configure Application(s) settings.
  4. Select the Enable GENESIS64 IIS Application Pool.

  5. Select Apply.

  6. A warning dialog may appear. Select OK.

  7. If prompted, restart the ICONICS FrameWorX service.

Editing the Connection Strings

If the SQL Server certificate is self-signed, connection strings now need to specify “trustservercertificate=true” or the connection will fail.

If you are upgrading a configuration from a previous version, you will either need to configure SQL Server with a certificate from a trusted certificate authority or you will need to update the connection strings.

To update the connection strings, either manually add “trustservercertificate=true” to the end of the connection string or bring up the connection string dialog and enable “Trust Server Certificate”.

NOTE: Connection strings used for configuration databases will be updated automatically when upgrading. The connection strings that will need to be edited include but are not limited to:

  • AlertWorX custom logging database
  • Assets cache data store
  • AlarmWorX64 Logger custom logging database
  • Bridging (BridgeWorX64) custom logging database
  • Connected Field Service (CFSWorX) custom logging database
  • Hyper Historian Data Exporter storage of type “SQL/Azure SQL”
  • Reporting (ReportWorX64) custom logging database


See Also:

System Requirements

Hyper Historian Upgrade to New Version