Starting the Multimedia Server

In order for the AlarmWorX Multimedia Server to use the information in the configuration database, the server must be placed into "runtime" mode. To start/stop the server:

  1. Click the traffic light button on the Home ribbon in the Workbench and make sure the light switches to green. The green light indicates that the server is running.

  2. Verify that the server is connected to the configuration database by using the Multimedia Server journal log. For more information, refer to the Server Journal Log topic.

When your database configuration is completed and you start the Multimedia Server, the following occurs:

  1. When the Multimedia Server enters runtime mode, it reads all the alarm configurations in the multimedia configuration database.

  2. The Multimedia Server then subscribes to OPC AE servers based on the subscriptions that you created in the configuration database.

  3. In turn, the OPC AE servers generate alarms back to the Multimedia Server.

  4. When the Multimedia Server receives alarms, it responds to those alarms according to the settings and alarm action sets that you configured in your database.

  5. Based on these action sets, the notification messages are then sent to a recipient (an operator or a group) via the configured multimedia agent.

  6. The recipient of the alarm message can then acknowledge the alarms using the configured multimedia device.

Note: Redundant (backup) Multimedia Servers are currently not available.

If you make changes to the database while the server is running, you can update the server with your changes while it is running.

Tip: You can also start/stop the Multimedia using the GenTray tool tray.

See also:

Stopping the Multimedia Server

Server Journal Log