Audit Reports

Using Audit Reports, you can display the Workbench audit in a time range set by the user. The user must have access to Workbench audit.

Configuring Audit Reports

  1. In the GraphWorx64 Data Browser, expand My Computer > Diagnostics > Configuration > Refined Entities > Audit.

  2. Under Audit, click and drag Audit or Audit with filtering onto the Canvas to create a control.

  3. Double-click the audit control, and under GridWorX Viewer > Tab, click Grid.

  4. In Select Data Tag under the Source tab, the tag format will differ depending on the tag selection above:

    • Audit: cfg:entities/readaudit<'startDate', 'endDate'>

    • Audit with filtering: cfg:refined/readaudit<'startDate', 'endDate', Severity, AuditType>

    To configure the contents of the tag, do the following:

    1. In startDate and endDate, enter the date and time, using this format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM. The date and time must be in single quotes. For example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00'>.

    2. To filter results by severity and/or audit type, do the following:

      • Severity. In the Audit with filtering tag, replace Severity with a valid severity (Min, Max, Abnormal, NormalLogged, NormalNotLogged, Warning, VerboseTrace, OperatorChange, Error, ConfigLogged).

      • AuditType. In the Audit with filtering tag, replace AuditType with a valid audit type (Completed, Failed, Started, General).

      For example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00', Min, General>.

      To only filter by severity, replace AuditType with null. For example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00', Min, null>.

      To only filter by audit type, replace Severity with null. For example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00', null, General>.

    3. To return the number of rows, append .@@Count to the tag. For example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00'>.@@Count.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if you enter the same start and end date?

    If you enter the same start and end date (for example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'12/14/2000', '12/14/2000'>), the tag interprets the range as follows: cfg:entities/readaudit<'12/14/2000 00:00:00', '12/14/2000 23:59:59'>.

  • What happens if you enter the time but no date?

    If you enter the time but no date (for example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'10:00', '10:30'>), the tag assumes the date is today, so if today were 12/14/2000, the tag interprets date range as follows: cfg:entities/readaudit<'12/14/2000 10:00:00', '12/14/2000 10:30:00'>.

    Consider using this method when you have a specific range of time that should update automatically when the day changes.

  • What happens when you use the "yyyy MMMM" date format?

    If you enter the date using year and month format (for example, cfg:entities/readaudit<'2000 October', '2000 December'>), the tag assumes the first of each month, as follows: cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/01/2000 00:00:00', '12/01/2000 00:00:00'>.

See Also:

About Reports in the Workbench
