Audit Reports
Using Audit Reports, you can display the Workbench audit in a time range set by the user. The user must have access to Workbench audit.
Configuring Audit Reports
In the GraphWorx64 Data Browser, expand My Computer > Diagnostics > Configuration > Refined Entities > Audit.
Under Audit, click and drag Audit or Audit with filtering onto the Canvas to create a control.
Double-click the audit control, and under GridWorX Viewer > Tab, click Grid.
In Select Data Tag under the Source tab, the tag format will differ depending on the tag selection above:
Audit: cfg:entities/readaudit<'startDate', 'endDate'>
Audit with filtering: cfg:refined/readaudit<'startDate', 'endDate', Severity, AuditType>
To configure the contents of the tag, do the following:
In startDate and endDate, enter the date and time, using this format
. The date and time must be in single quotes. For example,cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00'>
. -
To filter results by severity and/or audit type, do the following:
Severity. In the Audit with filtering tag, replace Severity with a valid severity (Min, Max, Abnormal, NormalLogged, NormalNotLogged, Warning, VerboseTrace, OperatorChange, Error, ConfigLogged).
AuditType. In the Audit with filtering tag, replace AuditType with a valid audit type (Completed, Failed, Started, General).
For example,
cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00', Min, General>
.To only filter by severity, replace AuditType with null. For example,
cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00', Min, null>
.To only filter by audit type, replace Severity with null. For example,
cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00', null, General>
. -
To return the number of rows, append .@@Count to the tag. For example,
cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/03/2000 11:15:00', '12/14/2000 00:46:00'>.@@Count
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if you enter the same start and end date?
If you enter the same start and end date (for example,
cfg:entities/readaudit<'12/14/2000', '12/14/2000'>
), the tag interprets the range as follows:cfg:entities/readaudit<'12/14/2000 00:00:00', '12/14/2000 23:59:59'>
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What happens if you enter the time but no date?
If you enter the time but no date (for example,
cfg:entities/readaudit<'10:00', '10:30'>
), the tag assumes the date is today, so if today were 12/14/2000, the tag interprets date range as follows:cfg:entities/readaudit<'12/14/2000 10:00:00', '12/14/2000 10:30:00'>
.Consider using this method when you have a specific range of time that should update automatically when the day changes.
What happens when you use the "yyyy MMMM" date format?
If you enter the date using year and month format (for example,
cfg:entities/readaudit<'2000 October', '2000 December'>
), the tag assumes the first of each month, as follows:cfg:entities/readaudit<'10/01/2000 00:00:00', '12/01/2000 00:00:00'>
See Also: