Using ReportWorX64, you can manage reports, report configurations, and report templates. By default, the following sample reports and templates are available for use:
Audit Report: Displays the Workbench Audit Log as a report in a time range set by the user. You must enable the Audit Log in Workbench. For more information, see Enable Audit Log.
Daily Alarm Report: Retrieves alarms logged during the day using automatic parameters. Prior to executing the report, you must ensure that the Alarm Logger is running.
History Log Report: Retrieves data logged by the local historian using manual parameters. Prior to executing the report, you must ensure that the historian is running.
Installation Report: Displays the products and patched files that are installed on the server.
Order Details Report: Displays details for customers and the orders associated with various charts.
To create a new report:
In Workbench, expand Project Explorer > Reports > Configurations, and then do one of the following:
Right-click the desired configuration, and then select Add Report.
Click the desired configuration, and on the Home ribbon, click Add Report.
In the NewReport dialog, configure the new report, as follows:
In Name, enter the report name.
- Click the desired tab and complete each section:
Report Settings Tab
On the Report Settings tab, set the general report properties, the report template, and the advanced properties.
General Properties Section
Use a custom title for the generated reports: To specify a custom title for the generated report, select the checkbox, and then do the following:
Custom Report Title: Enter the title. To open the Expression Editor to generate the report title, click
Report Description: Enter a unique description of the report to differentiate it from other reports.
The report is enabled: To activate the report and allow it to be executed, select the checkbox.
Requires approval: To send the report through a workflow, requiring a digital signature at creation and reviewer approval at execution, select the checkbox.
When enabled, users can only generate reports in PDF format. The Excel, HTML, and CSV formats will automatically be disabled in the Generate reports as section.
Create new report file(s): To generate format-specific report outputs when executing the report, select the checkbox, and in Generate reports as, select one or more desired file formats (Excel, PDF, HTML, CSV).
When created, GENESIS64 appends a report ID and time stamp to each report's file name. To override this naming standard, enter a parameter in Name above using standard .NET format strings.
For example, create an @executeDate parameter that captures the report's execution date, and then enter in the Name field:
Alarm Distribution {{@executeDate}}
To format the execution date, displaying only year, month, and day, enter:
Alarm Distribution {{@executeDate:yy MM dd}}
For more information about standard .NET format strings, see Microsoft support sites and other informational web sites.
To configure the report output, clear the Create new report file(s) checkbox and then do one of the following:
If you add a parameter in Name, GENESIS64 creates a new report file when the value of that parameter changes.
If you leave Name blank, GENESIS64 overwrites the existing report.
Auto Fit Columns: To automatically expand the width of the report's columns to fit the contents, select this checkbox.
Auto Fit Rows: To automatically expand the height of the report's rows to fit the contents, select this checkbox.
Ignore empty pages when exporting to PDF: To ignore existing blank pages when generating the report as a PDF, select this checkbox.
Fit the content of each sheet in one PDF page: To fit the contents of each report sheet on one PDF output page, select this checkbox.
Global Alias Themes: Enter the global alias theme using proper syntax, or click
for assistance. For more information, see Set Global Theme and Aliases Dialog Box.
Language: Enter the language to be used when creating the report, or click
for assistance. Using the language configuration default settings, GENESIS64 translates all language-aliased entries in the report, and also scales all OPC values in the report. For more information, see Configurations.
Timeout: Enter the interval (in seconds) that GENESIS64 should wait while generating reports.
Report Template Section
Selected Template: From the drop-down list, select the desired report template. To manage the template list, do the following:
Refresh the list of report templates.
Edit the selected report template.
Create a new report template.
Delete the selected report template.
For more information, see Templates.
Template Name: Enter the displayed name for the template that you selected.
Advanced Properties Section
Cancel report on server shutdown: To terminate a report if the server fails or loses power, select this checkbox.
Protect Workbook: To set the report's workbook/worksheet(s) to read-only, which will prevent modifications of any kind, select this checkbox. In workbooks, users will be unable to add, remove, or rename worksheets. In worksheets, users will be unable to modify contents. In PDFs, users will be unable to modify contents or layout.
Use Universal Coordinated Time (UTC): To store all time stamps in UTC format, accommodating automatic daylight savings time changes in Windows during report execution, select this checkbox.
Keep Workbook Comments: To display tool tips for each data cell in generated reports, select this checkbox.
Multi-value Parameters: From the drop-down list, select the desired outcome when a user selects multiple values for one or more parameters.
Merges the resulting datasets: Merge all selected data sets into a single data set.
Generates new reports as needed for each combination of parameters: Generate one new report for every combination of parameter values.
Report Options: From the drop-down list, select the desired queuing and execution result.
Queue and Execute the report immediately: Queue the report for immediate execution.
Queue the report but execute it only if there aren't similar reports in execution
Queue the report only if there aren't similar reports in the queue
Specify which sheets should be included in the PDF report: To select specific report sheets to be included in the PDF, select the checkbox, and in Include Sheets, enter the sheet page number, the sheet page ranges, or the sheet page name in double quotes, separating each entry with a semicolon. For example, enter 1;4-10;"Sheet1";12-14.
Digitally Sign with a Certificate: To digitally sign the report with an existing certificate, select the checkbox, and in Certificate, enter the certificate thumbprint, or click
for assistance.
Report Execution Tab
On the Report Execution tab, set the actions that trigger the report execution. To add a tag, click + Click here to add new item (or click Click to add Multiple Actions to add multiple tags), and then do the following:
Tag: Enter the tag location or click
for assistance.
Override Gas: To override pre-existing Global Alias settings, select the checkbox, and in Gas Themes, enter the desired Global Alias Theme, or click
for assistance. For more information, see Set Global Theme and Aliases Dialog Box.
Redirector Commands Tab
On the Redirector Commands tab, set the commands to be executed upon running the report.
To add a command, click Click here to add new item.
In the Command Type drop-down list, select the desired command.
File Copy: Save the report in the desired file format.
Execute Command On: In the drop-down list, select the desired trigger that will execute the command (Report Completed, Report Successful, Report Failed).
Publish Folder: Enter the directory for the publish folder. To browse to the publish directory, click
. To open the Expression Editor to generate the publish directory, click
Use network credentials: To access a network location with specific credentials, select the checkbox, and then enter your Domain (if necessary), User, and Password.
Publish file as: From the drop-down list, select the desired file format (HTML, PDF, XLS, CSV).
If you selected the Requires approval option on the Report Settings tab, you can only select the PDF format.
Timeout: Enter the interval (in seconds) that GENESIS64 should wait while running the command.
Print. Print the report to a selected printer.
Execute Command On: In the drop-down list, select the desired trigger that will execute the command (Report Completed, Report Successful, Report Failed).
Printer Name: From the drop-down list, select the desired printer.
Timeout: Enter the interval (in seconds) that GENESIS64 should wait while running the command.
Send Email Send the report as an email attachment in a desired file format. GENESIS64 sends the email using the AlertWorX server, so you must verify that you have configured a default email node and that the email server is currently running.
Execute Command On: In the drop-down list, select the desired trigger that will execute the command (Report Completed, Report Successful, Report Failed).
Subject: Enter the subject header. To open the Expression Editor to generate the subject, click
Message: Enter the message content. To open the Expression Editor to generate the message, click Edit Expression.
From/To/CC/BCC: Enter the name and/or address of the sender, recipient, additional email recipients, and additional email recipients that you do not want to appear in the email header. To open the Expression Editor to generate the sender, click
Attach report as: From the drop-down list, select the desired file format (None, HTML, PDF, XLS, CSV).
If you have enabled the Requires approval option on the Report Settings tab, you can only select PDF or None.
Timeout: Enter the interval (in seconds) that GENESIS64 should wait while running the command.
Send SMS. Send the report in an SMS text message. GENESIS64 sends the text message using the AlertWorX server, so you must verify that you have configured a default SMS node and that the SMS server is currently running.
Execute Command On: In the drop-down list, select the desired trigger that will execute the command (Report Completed, Report Successful, Report Failed).
Subject: Enter the subject header. To open the Expression Editor to generate the subject, click
Message: Enter the message content. To open the Expression Editor to generate the message, click Edit Expression.
To: Enter the phone number of the recipient. To open the Expression Editor to generate the recipient, click
Timeout: Enter the interval (in seconds) that GENESIS64 should wait while running the command.
Web Publishing. Publish the report to a web server in a desired file format.
Execute Command On: In the drop-down list, select the desired trigger that will execute the command (Report Completed, Report Successful, Report Failed).
Publish URL: Enter the URL of the web server. To browse to the URL, click
. To open the Expression Editor to generate the URL, click
. GENESIS64 automatically retrieves the publishing protocol using the URL. For example: will use the HTTP protocol and will use the FTP protocol.
Use network credentials: To access a network location with specific credentials, select the checkbox, and then enter your Domain (if necessary), User, and Password.
Publish file as: From the drop-down list, select the file format (HTML, PDF, XLS, CSV).
Timeout: Enter the interval (in seconds) that GENESIS64 should wait while running the command.
Click Apply & Close.
See Also: