File Menu

The File menu commands are listed in the table below.

File Menu Commands


Shortcut Keys




Creates a new configuration database.



Opens a Microsoft Access (.mdb) or Microsoft Data Link (.udl) file, which allows you to connect to any OLE database source, such as a SQL Server database.

Save As

Saves the current database under a different name as a Microsoft Access (.mdb) or Microsoft Data Link (.udl) file.

Connection Properties

Displays the current database connection properties.

Export CSV

Exports configuration data from your database to a text file (.txt) or a Microsoft Excel file (.csv). You can specify the delimiters and what to export.

Import CSV

Imports data into your configuration database from a text file (.txt) or a Microsoft Excel file (.csv). You can then specify the delimiters and choose from the import settings.

Make Active

Makes the current database active. If this command is not available, then the current database is already the active database.


Closes the application. The current configuration database is automatically saved.

See Also:
