SendGrid Status Update Support

SendGrid logs the emails sent out in the Alert_EmailLog and ALERT_SendGridEmailExpandedLog tables. The status of these emails gets updated if IcoWebAPIService is set up and running Setting Up WebAPI REST.

Provide the webhook in SendGrid:

> Event Webhook as Authorization method: None

> Webhook: https://username:password@yourdomain/fwxapi/sendgrid/email

Note:  When constructing the URL above, "username” and “password” should match the values of the Ico_Sendgrid_Username and Ico_Sendgrid_Password environment variables respectively, and “domain” is the domain where the WebAPI service is running.

Enable the setting for the deliverability and engagement data you wish to receive. The latest status will be recorded in the log based on a predetermined order.

The username and password should be the same as the one you set up below.

Set up environment variables Ico_Sendgrid_Username (username used above) and Ico_Sendgrid_Password (password set above).

    • Set up Environment Variables. For this, open Settings, as shown below.

Selecting Settings

    • In the search box, type ‘environment variables’, as shown below and choose the highlighted one.

Selecting Environment Variables

    •  Set up the below environment variables in the dialogue under ‘User Variables ‘.

Note: These Environment Variables are case-sensitive, so make sure that they are spelled correctly.

Setting Environment Variables

Note: You can additionally use a single username password for all your plugins (Twilio, Nexmo, SendGrid) under the environment variable Ico_Cfs_Username and Ico_Cfs_Password.

Make sure to restart the ICONICS Alert REST Service and the ICONICS Web API Service after setting environment variables.

See Also:

Setting Up SendGrid

SendGrid Acknowledge Support in CFSWorX