Exporting and Importing AlarmWorX64 Server Components

When you are creating a configuration database for an Alarm Server, you can use an existing configuration database as its basis or starting point if such a database already exists. AlarmWorX64 Server provides the ability to export an Alarm Server database or individual components to .XML files. This lets you then import those components into other AlarmWorX64 servers or new configurations. You can also use the export feature for the purpose of backing up an Alarm Server or its components.

You can export and/or import components such as:

  • A database

  • The Configurations folder

  • An individual configuration

  • The Areas folder

  • An individual area

  • The Nodes folder

  • The templates folder

The export copies the component and all of its component to an .XML file. For example, if you export the Area folder, all areas and the alarm tags that make up that folder are exported.

When you import a file into AlarmWorX64 Server, you can import new items only, or existing items only, or both. This lets you use the import not only to create new items in the alarm server, but to update existing items, too.

Exporting Alarm Server Components

To Export a Component of the AlarmWorX64 server, Follow these Steps:

  1. In AlarmWorX64 Server, right-click the component you want to export, then select Export from the menu.

  2. In the dialog box that opens, navigate to the destination or folder where you want the exported .XML file to be saved, and provide a name for the .XML file.

  3. Specify a file name, and click OK. The component and all levels beneath it are exported to the file.

Importing Alarm Server Components

Importing copies components from an XML file to the location of your choice.

Tip: Before you import to an Alarm Server database, it is good practice to make a back-up copy of the database so that if the import does not occur as planned you can restore your database before trying again.

To Import a Component from an Exported .XML file, Follow These Steps:

  1. In AlarmWorX64 Server, right-click the component to which you want to import and save the component, then select Import from the menu.

  2. In the Import dialog box that opens, specify how you want import to happen.

    • If there are components in the .XML file that don't exist in the destination location, specify whether you want these components to be added. To add them, select Insert New Items. To ignore them, leave the Insert New Items check box empty.

    • If there are components in the .XML file that already exist in the destination location, specify whether you want the components to update the components in the destination location. To update them, select Update Existing Items. To ignore them, leave the Update Existing Items check box empty.

  3. Click Start Import.

  4. When the import has completed, look in the destination location for the imported component or components and confirm that they were imported as planned.

  5. Once components are imported, you can modify them in accordance with the alarm requirements of the configuration you imported them to.

See also:

AlarmWorX64 Server

Configuring AlarmWorX64 Server

Alarm Server Databases

Database Configurations


Alarm Tag Templates

Alarm Tags

Areas and Alarm Tags